
Musicians, Writers, Performers
Guest Contributors

Would you like to be a guest  on an episode of WROTE Podcast?
It just so happens we are looking for contributors! So if you have an upcoming release, a writing technique, or any great experiences you’d like to share about the storytelling life then we would love to know about it.
Do you have a question for one of the hosts? Do you have reviews of titles you’d like to share? Would you like to chime in on the direction LGBTQ storytelling is headed?
We’ll try to answer questions on air during follow-up episodes. If you have an engaging viewpoint, let us know if you’d like to be a guest reader for a show’s segment.
In both cases, we’d love to hear from you!

How it works…
We record the session with you. Then we edit for cleanliness and send you a preview link (usually on the Wednesday after you record). You get us your feedback on any content you’d like changed/removed, and we’ll make those second edits before posting the show to the distribution channels. You will have final say regarding whether something you’ve said goes out to the world.

Shows are generally recorded at 4:00pm Pacific time US on Fridays. Some flexibility over the weekend can certainly be considered. Let us know what works with your schedule and we’ll see what we can do.

Technical requirements (Windows/Mac):

  • Headset with microphone.  If possible, use a microphone with noise canceling to minimize computer and room ambient noise.
  • A quiet space from which to record
  • Internet broadband connection
  • Skype account (Free)
  • Some sort of software to capture your portion locally as a backup (for example, the free download of Audacity works well).
  • A willingness to jump into the fray and be engaging.

NEW! Alternatives for those without Skype/Headset arrangement above:

  • A landline (continental US only at this juncture) -OR-
  • A cell phone