About me: http://www.vancebastian.com
Campfire Podcast: http://www.campfirepodcast.com for chapter-a-day narrated fiction.
I’m just a guy. Really.
I write fiction. More interestingly I narrate all kinds of works.
I love dogs. I’m allergic to cats, but find them endlessly fascinating.
I love my gym time. As in, I actually love challenging myself to get stronger. Conversely, my inner introvert is terrified of locker rooms. FML.
If I could be any supernatural archetype I’d be a… werewolf shaman, a wizard, or a mischievous sidhe. Can’t pick just one. Sorry.
I love D&D, Superhero RPGs, and video games based on those two genres.
I also like guys. If you ever find a gay superheroes in D&D video game – hook me the mother-truckin’ hell up.
I swear in my fiction. I may eventually drop an f-bomb on this podcast. Until then, I’ll try to keep it a little clean.
I’ll probably fail to keep it clean.