September 22, 2023

It gives us great pleasure to present a Season 8, Episode 40 Interview – Anthony van Leeuwen

Anthony van Leeuwen joins us to talk about the highs and lows of life, the journey to discover his muse, and how this fueled the passion for his book, Sprookje (fairytale)!

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Anthony van Leeuwen was ten when he began to create through words, imagining someone to be with, to hang out with or do nothing with; someone who could be a best friend to a ten-year-old. He wrote a love song, even before he knew he was gay or before he would eventually write a love letter to his ‘Prince’ through his current writing work. The recognition & encouragement he received from teachers and instructors ignited his creative enjoyment, and five books later he’s still exploring that passion.

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By Vance

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