March 1, 2024

It gives us great pleasure to present a Season 9, Episode 9 Interview – Curtis Chin

Curtis Chin joins us to share his memoir, Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant. We discuss that the book is not only a love-letter to Detroit, but a culmination of his many paths in life coming together.

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A co-founder of the Asian American Writers’ Workshop in New York City, Curtis Chin served as the non-profits’ first Executive Director. He went on to write for network and cable television before transitioning to social justice documentaries. Chin has screened his films at over 600 venues in twenty countries. He has written for CNN, Bon Appetit, the Detroit Free Press and the Emancipator/Boston Globe. A graduate of the University of Michigan, Chin has received awards from ABC/Disney Television, New York Foundation for the Arts, National Endowment for the Arts, and more. His memoir, “Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant” will be published by Little, Brown in Fall 2023. His essay in Bon Appetit was just selected for Best Food Writing in America 2023.

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By Vance

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