May 5, 2023

It gives us great pleasure to present Season 8, Episode 19: Daniel Land + Our Review of Alex Borstein: Corsets & Clown Suits!

Daniel Land joins us to share his upcoming album, Out of Season. He leads us into a discussion about identity and memory, then we review Alex Borstein’s Corsets & Clown Suits, followed by what won our weeks!

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Mentioned in this episode:

Daniel Land has become both a scholar and a practitioner of the kind of music he creates, studying towards a PhD on artists like the Cocteau Twins and Slowdive at the London College of Music, whilst collaborating with artists as varied as Darkher, Swoone, and the electronica auteur Ulrich Schnauss.

Daniel will release his new album, Out of Season, in 2023. He is currently writing a concept album about the AIDS crisis, and is working on the second draft of a memoir about homophobia.

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By Vance

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