February 16, 2024

It gives us great pleasure to present a Season 9, Episode 7 Interview – J.M. Redmann

J.M. Redmann joins us to share her latest Micky Knight Mystery, Transitory. We discuss why it was important to have a gritty, noir, lesbian detective in the world, as well as the growth of the series.

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J.M. Redmann is the author of a mystery series featuring New Orleans private detective Michele ‘Micky’ Knight. Her books have made the American Library Association GLBT Roundtable’s 2013 Over the Rainbow list, and have won a Fore Word Gold First Place mystery award, and her book LAW & DESIRE was an Editor’s Choice of the San Francisco Chronicle and a recommended book on NPR’s Fresh Air.

Her books have been translated into Spanish, German, Dutch, Norwegian and Hebrew. Redmann lives in an historic neighborhood in New Orleans, at the edge of the area that flooded.

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By Vance

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