April 5, 2024

It gives us great pleasure to present a Season 9, Episode 14 Interview – James Pauley Jr.

James Pauley Jr. joins us to share his memoir, Bumpy Rides and Soft Landings, sparking conversation about not deleting pages from the story of your life and always sharing the authentic truth!

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James Pauley, Jr. was born and raised in a small town in southwestern Michigan. He received his bachelor’s degree from Albion College, with a double major in German and Spanish. Spending a semester each in Guadalajara, Mexico, and Heidelberg, Germany, piqued his interest and lifelong love of international travel. He began his career as a flight attendant in 1978, a job that he continues to enjoy. Throughout his life, he’s worn many other hats as well: massage therapist, real estate agent, house flipper, painter, busboy, groundskeeper, delivery person, wine steward, waiter, babysitter, caterer, house cleaner, bartender, cake decorator, window washer, substitute teacher, janitor, and salesman. He is the coauthor of Granny and the Gay Guy with best-selling author Charlene Potterbaum. He lives with his spouse, Rich, in Indiana.

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By Vance

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