September 14, 2018

It gives us great pleasure to welcome Matthew Bright back as the guest on Episode 181 – Can’t Do Victorian Without a Bit of Sadism!!

Matthew Bright returns to talk about his new release Gents: Steamy Tales from the Age of Steam, the fact that the Victorian era wasn’t as prim as you think, and using historical settings for your writing.

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Matthew Bright is a writer, editor and designer who is uncomfortable writing in the third person, but soldiers on regardless. His short fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in a number of venues, including, Nightmare’s Queers Destroy Fiction, Glittership, Harlot Magazine, Clockwork Iris, Queen Mob’s Teahouse and others. He is the co-author of Between The Lines, an experimental novella, with Christopher Black. He is also the editor of several anthologies, including The Myriad Carnival, Threesome: Him, Him and Me, Clockwork Cairo: Steampunk Tales of Egypt and forthcoming titles Gents and A Scandal in Gomorrah. With the release of Threesome, Publishers Weekly declared him ‘unambiguously…an editor to watch’, which is a quote he’s inclined to have printed on business cards and hand out to complete strangers on the street. By day, he pays the bills as a book cover designer in Manchester, England.

This Podcast episode is available on these channels (in order alphabetical):
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July 29, 2016

It gives us great pleasure to announce Matthew Bright as the guest on episode 068: Get Together and Put Things In Certain Places!

Join us as we discuss his artistic journey as a writer, editor, and cover-design monkey (totally his words). We go into his triple-threat career, why erotica is as much an artform as other literature, and how Publisher’s Weekly’s review of Threesome caught him off guard!

You can buy Matthew’s work here:

Connect with Matthew on your favorite social site:


Matthew Bright is a writer, editor and designer who is uncomfortable writing in the third person, but soldiers on regardless. His short fiction has appeared in a number of venues, including Nightmare’s Queers Destroy Fiction, and he is the co-author of Between The Lines, an experimental novella, with Christopher Black. He is also the editor of several anthologies, including The Myriad Carnival, Threesome: Him, Him and Me and forthcoming titles Gents and Clockwork Cairo. With the release of Threesome, Publishers Weekly declared him ‘unambigiously…an editor to watch’, which is a quote he’s inclined to have printed on business cards and hand out to complete strangers on the street. By day, he pays the bills as a book cover designer in Manchester, England, where he lives with his partner and a dog who likes to eat valuable hardbacks.

This Podcast episode is available on these channels (in order alphabetical):
Apple PodcastsGoogle PlayiHeartRadioSpotifyStitcherTuneIn

Or right here:

By Vance

One thought on “Matthew Bright”
  1. Well, Baz, I do think it does matter who publishes a book. Small and larger presses do offer benefits that self-publishing does not offer. Who will submit your books to Publishers Weekly or Kirkus? Who will sell your books at conferences?

    Steve Berman
    Lethe Press

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