February 24, 2023
It gives us great pleasure to present Season 8, Episode 8: Matthew Clark Davison + our “The World to Come” review!
Matthew Clark Davison, author of Doubting Thomas and the upcoming The Lab: Experiments in Working Across Genre, joins us to discuss the way his novel explores the sometimes daily fears LGBTQA+ folks STILL feel while at work and among well-meaning family. Then Liz Faraim joins us to review The World to Come!
** GIVEAWAY! ** Sign up for Matthew’s newsletter by the end of March 2023 to be entered into a drawing to win a physical copy of Doubting Thomas!
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Mentioned in this episode:
- Doubting Thomas at amazon
- The World to Come at IMDB
Matthew Clark Davison is the author of Doubting Thomas and creator of The Lab :: Writing Classes with MCD, and his textbook The Lab, Experiments in Writing Across Genre, co-authored by bestselling writer Alice LaPlante, is due out in 2023. His prose has been recently anthologized in Empty The Pews and 580-Split; as well as published in or on Guernica, The Atlantic Monthly, Foglifter, Lumina Magazine, Fourteen Hills, Per Contra, Educe, and others; and has been recognized with a Creative Work Grant, Cultural Equities Grant, Clark Gross Award for a Novel-in-Progress, and a Stonewall Alumni Award.
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