April 7, 2023

It gives us great pleasure to present Season 8, Episode 15: Olivier Bosman and Audio Mystery Theatre + our “Can You Ever Forgive Me” review!

Olivier Bosman, creator of Audio Mystery Theatre, shares how he’s worked to transform his mystery novels into a radio show-style podcast. We then review Can You Ever Forgive Me and share what won our weeks!

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Born to Dutch parents and raised in Colombia and England, Olivier is a rootless wanderer with itchy feet. He’s spent the last few years living and working in The Netherlands, Czech Republic, Sudan and Bulgaria, but has every confidence that he will now finally be able to settle down among the olive groves of Andalucia.

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[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huhrmNUzWVs[/embedyt]

By Vance

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