October 7, 2022

It gives us great pleasure to present Season 7, Episode 40: RJ Theodore + Our Review of You’re Killing Me!

RJ Theodore joins us to share their unique blend of scifi and fantasy with their re-released Peridot Shift series! Then horror author Michael G. Williams returns to help us review You’re Killing Me. Then Baz and Vance share who won their weeks.

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Mentioned in this episode:

R J Theodore (they/she) is an author, graphic designer, and all-around collector of creative endeavors. She enjoys writing about magic-infused technologies, first contact events, and bioluminescing landscapes.

Theodore’s love of fantastic storytelling developed through grabbing for anything-and-everything “unicorn” as a child, but they were subverted by tales of distant solar systems when their brother introduced them to Star Trek: The Next Generation at age seven. A few years later, Sailor Moon taught them stories can have both.

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By Vance

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