June 10, 2022

It gives us great pleasure to welcome Veronica Carrera as the guest on Season 7, Episode 23 – Veronica Carrera + Our Review of Tangerine!

Veronica Carrera joins us to discuss her memoir 140 Miles of Life: A Remarkable Journey to Self Acceptance & Love! We discuss how she framed her themes of immigration, loss, faith, identity, love, and self acceptance within the legs of her Ironman experience. Then Baz and Vance review Tangerine and share who won the week for them!

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Mentioned in this episode:

Veronica’s story of triumphing over adversity, not only offers hope and inspiration for readers to discover true inner wisdom and acceptance but may save lives!

Hers is a story of love, loss, courage and healing.

Today, she is an avid triathlete and passionate advocate for human rights, a highly sought-after speaker and a successful sales leader at one of the top tech companies in the world. She is also the creator/producer of the LinkedIn Live show 30 Minutes of Wisdom-Rising in Consciousness & Mindfulness.

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By Vance

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