December 31, 2021

It gives us great pleasure to welcome Dharma Kelleher back as the guest on Season 6, Episode 52 – Trust Your Process!

Dharma Kelleher returns to share her latest work, Breakthrough: Overcoming Creative Self-Doubt, Writer’s Block, and Imposter Syndrome. We talk a bit about each of those aspects of being creative so that you can let go of fear and fall back in love with your process!

Follow Dharma and support her work:

Mentioned in this episode:


Dharma Kelleher writes gritty crime fiction about bounty hunters, bikers, and other badass women from a transgender/queer perspective . She is the author of the Jinx Ballou bounty hunter series & the Shea Stevens outlaw biker series.

This Podcast episode is available on these channels (in order alphabetical):

Apple PodcastsGoogle PlayiHeartRadioSpotifyStitcherTuneIn

Or Listen Right Here:

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August 6, 2021

It gives us great pleasure to welcome Dharma Kelleher as the guest on Season 6, Episode 31 – Not That There’s Anything Wrong With That!

Dharma Kelleher joins us to share the latest in her Jinx Ballou series, TERF Wars! We also discuss confronting transphobia and talk about trans tropes to avoid.

Follow Dharma and support her work:

Mentioned in this episode:


Dharma Kelleher writes gritty crime fiction about bounty hunters, bikers, and other badass women from a transgender/queer perspective . She is the author of the Jinx Ballou bounty hunter series & the Shea Stevens outlaw biker series.

This Podcast episode is available on these channels (in order alphabetical):
Apple PodcastsGoogle PlayiHeartRadioSpotifyStitcherTuneIn

Or Listen Right Here:

OR Watch on YouTube: 


By Vance

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