February 2, 2018
It gives us great pleasure to welcome Mel Gough as the guest on Episode 149: Serial Numbers Filed Off!!
This week Mel Gough joins us to talk about her first novel A World Apart, her fan fiction roots, and then she shares some give-away goodies!
Give-Away Contest!!: Sign up for Mel’s email list** before February 9 for a chance to win an e-copy of A World Apart!! https://tinyletter.com/melgough
** Mel sends out roughly one message a month, so your inbox won’t be inundated!
Follow Mel and support her work:
Mel was born in Germany, where she spent the first twenty-six years of her life (with a one-year stint in Los Angeles). She has always been fascinated by cultures and human interaction, and earned her Masters in Social Anthropology. After finishing university, she moved to London, where she has lived for ten years.
If you were to ask her parents what Mel enjoyed the most since the age of six, they would undoubtedly say “Reading!” She would take fifteen books on a three-week beach holiday, and then read all her mom’s books once she’d devoured her own midway through week two.
Back home in her mom’s attic there’s a box full of journals with stories Mel wrote when she was in her early teens. None of the stories are finished, or any good. She has told herself bedtime stories as far back as she can remember.
In her day job, Mel works for an NGO as operations manager. No other city is quite like London, and Mel loves her city. The hustle and bustle still amaze and thrill her even after all these years. When not reading, writing or going to the theater, Mel spends her time with her long-time boyfriend, discussing science or poking fun at each other.
This Podcast episode is available on these channels (in order alphabetical):

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