September 1, 2023

It gives us great pleasure to present a Season 8, Episode 37 Interview – Tate Barkley

Tate Barkley shares his memoir Sunday Dinners, Moonshine, and Men, plus why people wanted to hear the ending, and reveals the trials in his life that lead him to learning to forgive.

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Tate Barkley carried the burden of shame for years, stemming from poverty, addiction, and the struggle of being a closeted gay man. Through Alcoholics Anonymous, he found sobriety and now seeks to inspire others by sharing his transformative journey. His memoir, releasing this month, unveils his troubled relationship with his father and his path to overcoming shame and a scarcity mindset. Tate reflects on his challenging childhood from rural North Carolina to poverty in Central Florida, and their move to 1970s Houston. He details his battle with repressed sexuality and escalating drinking, leading to rock bottom. Tate’s story resonates as he pursues self-acceptance and inner peace. A Houston-based attorney, speaker, author, and educator, Tate lives with his husband, Anson, and their dog, Emerson.

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By Vance

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